Friday, September 7, 2007

Read my New Blog! Oh and by the way...

Astral Gnosis Blog is Dead! It went bye bye. Too much debris, arguments and time wasted polemicizing against pious fools (Bless Your Souls!)

I'll take some of my stuff from this old dead blog and paste it on my new blog (sighs) don't you just get nauseated by all these blogs, all those sci-fis and fantasy novels on the bookshelves....heheheh I have some bad news for sci-fi novel lovers (I being one of them)...proof of afterlife kills the genre. (pours LSD on it's grave)

Ah but I speak thoughts that as the most Wise and Brilliantly Faulted Genius Nietzsche would have said have been born too soon...He also would have said (as the analogy is his originally, not mine) The Light from My Star and the Stars of Millions of other Homo Sapiens won't reach the Semi-Blinded and Half-Awake for years....

most of Homo Sapien Planet Earth is not ready for The Knowing.

Oh Boy, then the Chaos and Fun Begins!

here's a sample from my Actual Blog get it? Astral Gnosis Blog is Dead!

This post sums up Me, and where those such as myself, at the Peak of the Mountain are at...

link: humbly at The Peak chipping away

Friday, June 29, 2007

This Blog is mostly on Ice

I have other things to do currently! Also, to blather endlessly is vice - one should speak only if they have something to say. This blog may have a "normal" frequency of posts again sometime in the near future, or may not!

the Nietzsche quotes blog is on ice for a very substantial reason- I am currently poor and don't have in my possession my favourite Nietzsche books that I was previously able to borrow from a local library that I moved away from, namely Human All to Human's expansions and Daybreak.

This Blog here is mainly on Ice because I wish to withdraw into myself and my explorations for an extended period...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Re-Appreciation of Ancient Western Wisdom, due to the recent "Gnostic Wave"

Re-appreciation of Western Wisdom - a positive outcome, psychologically, of the "Gnostic Wave" of the last five odd years. When it comes to flashing "philosophical-sounding religion" credentials, the westerner can now claim with a straight face that their civilization's history had many fine examples, stretching all the way back to Pythagoras. Ah, yes - The Axial Age

You have your Buddha and what-not, and we shall have our Pythagoras, Pre-Socratics, Plato, Middle Plantonists, Plotinus, the Neoplatonists, and Basilides (The Gnostics in general) dare I say? Did I mention the Cathars, my Asian friend?

The Western Mind, for whatever reasons, is affected by these sorts of things. Knowledge of our own past's glories... (even if it is really only the glories of our biological ancestors. But we are it's inheritors as well - the custodians! Duty!!)

Knowledge of our past's glories makes us hold our heads up High, or at least Eye to Eye with the East, and somehow makes us more complete :)

The Gospel of Thomas a "Gateway Text" to Heresy >:)

I am sure most of you have heard that tired old saying "Marijuana is a gateway drug". No it isn't.

But the Gospel of Thomas...!

The Gospel of Thomas is quite the treasure, is it not? Not only is it useful spiritually to people in a non-denominational sense, it is also a sort of proto-Gnostic "gateway" to further study of heretical scriptures!

People often speak of the contradictions in the Bible, but as a corpus of "Official Texts" it is a fine example of heresy successfully purged! Most of the lingering glimmers of non-canonical thought are easily lost in translation in the New Testament (Hence the raging debate over whether Paul himself was a Gnostic).

The Fascist Religion of Christianity Corporation (Est. 4th century AD, All Rights Reserved) has a highly rational selection of recognised scriptures in their Canon. This is why the Gospel of Thomas was excluded!

The Gospel of Thomas is illicit reading for a Christian - it's a heady touch of the intoxication, the sheer dope of reading Gnostic texts. The seemingly innocuous Gospel of Thomas is actually the ultimate "Gateway Text" to heresy!

Monday, May 21, 2007

How to kill bugs without malice, indeed with Love

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna that the warrior is to kill without malice, without hatred. They are to kill, but with right mind and right heart.

I used to "Hate" cockroaches, flies, etc. Now, however, I have Spiritually Evolved enough to not take it personally, indeed, to Bless them. I still Kill them, but I do so without malice, with Agape Love.

Indeed, I can even Bless them.

I say to the cockroach that I have squished "Thankyou for existing, fellow soul, (and I do believe you have an immortal one just as I do), I Bless you for existing, as the evolutionary chain from which we all have been derived has required your existence that I may exist. May you find peace in whatever quality of afterlife it is your species is capable of attaining".

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Heresiarch, my favourite Gnostic from Palm Tree Garden - their 3rd post >:)

Their new post

by the way, here's another thing they wrote before:

and here's the one other thing they wrote (where they mention "Hunger" again >:)

Note: I am not saying I agree with everything Heresiarch says, only that I like them and also consider them to possess talent, indeed inspiration. Well, here's their 3rd post in the PTG forums...

Soulgazer wrote:

In my meditations over the last several years, I have had Sophia come to me with a warning that some worldly events are being manipulated with the power of dark gnosis. The word "warning" may be too strong of a word, as I have had no indication that I should even attempt to do anything about it;

Now, I usually match anything that I find in my journeys with scripture to make sure I'm not off the mark anywhere.

This, I have been unable to match up, but I have not been able to dismiss it as yet another archon; the same images appear time after time, and I can find no root in myself.

Has anybody here been having similar experiences? Does anybody have any insights as to what may be happening, either in my meditations or alternatively, on this plane?


Ah, the dark gnosis. If you have seen it Soulgazer, relish its touch. The dark gnosis is the source of LIVING POWER - it is the knowledge that I AM GOD and there is no other beside me. Aren't you a microcosm of the macrocosm? We all are. Do you KNOW that you are? Do you FEEL the divine glowing within you like a furnace? If the inner divinity of God sleeps in you, then who can be your boss? Who can tell you what you ought and ought not do? Truly any whim that confronts your mind is yours to embrace, holder of the dark gnosis. The one of dark gnosis is the begetter, creator, sustainer OF THE UNIVERSE! Not even the Archons can fight you, for your inner being birthed them in the ancient eons of time past. Embrace that inner divine, let it fill you, and you will become the instrument of God's wrath as you become the macrocosmic microspasm of GOD. To mortal men it may seem like HUBRIS, but to the Gnostick who knows the dark gnosis, it is power to command over even the 7 and the 12. Feel the dark gnosis run through your veins, feel it crawl on the surface of the earth. HUNGER for this gnosis, and consume it with RELISH!

The True Gnostick embraces the dark gnosis - it is the source of the greatest magick!

EVP-searching Night Visit to one of the alleged Haunted Spots..creepy experience

this is my comments from the comments section of a previous post here...

I checked out one of the places alone and at midnight a two nights ago, and man it was a creepy place.

It's an alleyway and there's supposed to be some abandoned building at the corner of the alleyway/lane and this other street. I couldnt figure out which building it was I figured, screw it I will just stand at the corner and make some recordings (one in long play, one in high quality - HQ supposedly is less successful in catching any ghostie fishies because it has less internal noise in the circuitry, which you need)

I kinda semi-aborted my little foray though because I became a bit self-conscious about people in the neighbourhood, houses, and a block of flats overlooking me...I musta looked like some guy waiting for his dealer lol

now the creepy bit - as I'm walking back down this lane/alleyway (its officially called a lane in the street directory) there's all this gang-style grafitti on the walls like "tax collectors" etc and pentagrams and some other wierd symbol that looked like a kinda pentagram with other stuff on it,and then there's this other alley that branches off from this alley at a right-angle, okay? and its a really narrow alley and it has this high gate cutting anyone off from simply walking into it. behind this narrow alley I could see only pitch-blackness but I could hear the sound of spraying *sssst* *sssst* and I could SMELL the spraypaint! :(

oh by the way - my recordings had nothing in them as far as I can tell...but they were shorter than you're supposed to make them (1.5 minutes instead of 3-5) and also I was too-self conscious to address any spirits verbally because of the locals lol

I'm definitely going back, but perhaps for the next time during the daytime, on a weekday lol...

Maybe I'll steel myself for another night voyage in a week or two. OR THREE! :)

Oh yeah, the *ssst* spraypaint can noises were definitely coming from that sub-alley, and from BEHIND the gates. what the hell would someone be doing in pitchblackness spraypainting on a wall? see my point? and I could SMELL it! *trembles*