Monday, May 21, 2007

How to kill bugs without malice, indeed with Love

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna that the warrior is to kill without malice, without hatred. They are to kill, but with right mind and right heart.

I used to "Hate" cockroaches, flies, etc. Now, however, I have Spiritually Evolved enough to not take it personally, indeed, to Bless them. I still Kill them, but I do so without malice, with Agape Love.

Indeed, I can even Bless them.

I say to the cockroach that I have squished "Thankyou for existing, fellow soul, (and I do believe you have an immortal one just as I do), I Bless you for existing, as the evolutionary chain from which we all have been derived has required your existence that I may exist. May you find peace in whatever quality of afterlife it is your species is capable of attaining".

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