Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Polemic Against Jordan Stratford's hysterical opposition to Alien Archon Theories (drawing the Anti-Semitism card)

The Thread in Question...

Quotes from Stratford:

"The "alien reptile as codeword for Jews" phenomenon is well documented, and constantly rallied around by neo-nazi groups who constitute the center mass of David Icke and John Lash followers. They posit that the Archons are space reptiles and Jehova and therefore Jews worship the reptiles through blood sacrifice and child sacrifice rings covered up by the government, etc."

Actually, Mr, Stratford, Icke says that All of these Reptilian Elites, regardless of race, engage in child abuse. Also, you Assume that Neo-Nazis constitute the centre mass of David Icke and John Lash followers. So what if a bunch of racists fill up seats in Icke's lectures in order to support him? That's their business. Icke doesn't endorse them, they endorse him. It's a big difference.

"Lash generally backs off from this by using the term "Judaeo-Christian" to mean slaves/worshippers of the alien lizards. Still, it smacks of a seventeen year old in his mom's basement: "Nazis, UFOs, Alien Lizards, Jew Bankers, Government Conspiracy, Magic Mushrooms! Awesome! Let's call it 'Buddhism'! No wait, even better... GNOSTICISM!" "

"My problem with Lash is not just his ham-fisted literalism (all this stuff happened exactly like this, there's no such thing as a metaphor etc.) and his rabid anti-semitism, but his fostering of irresponsibility"

"Giving Lash the time of day IS advocating an ant-Christian, anti-semitic and profoundly anti-Gnostic mythology."

So what, Lash's method is to assume that whatever supposedly came out of Jesus's mouth perhaps didn't. He focusses on the wisdom. Socrate's wisdom is really Socrates-Plato and Socrates-Xenophon. "Jesus's" words are the words of perhaps hundreds of people.

Lash's Gaia Sophia Mythos can only be construed as profoundly anti-gnostic Mythology if you are afraid of some kooky people creating some Enormous Fictions and then saying that it's real. So what, Lash says his Gaia Mythos is real. Maybe he even believes it himself. I reckon people can still enjoy the Gaia Sophia Mythos as an outsider, and no harm done. What are you so afraid of, Mr. Stratford?

Mr. Stratford, Alien Archon Theories are diverse, there are all sorts of variations on the Mythos (or is it all Mythos ;) maybe some of it is true, eh?) every bit as diverse as Gnosticism itself.

I am a fan of Icke and Lash, but these guys certainly don't have a patent on Alien Archon Theories, if you bothered to search the web more thoroughly.

I do consider Lash to be ultra-literalist with his Sophia in the middle of our Galaxy and the whole fractal stuff and the non-biological neonate fetus Archons and what-not. And with Icke, well, maybe he's right about less than 30% of what he says who knows!

Mr. Stratford, David Icke states most emphatically that it is Caucasians who have the highest concentrations of Reptilian DNA, were you aware of this fact? And what is wrong with theorizing that some Jews in high positions of the New World Order are also Reptilians? This isn't anti-semitism, it's anti-Archonism.

To be sure, Neo-Nazi groups exploit Reptilian Archon Theories to their own ends, but they also exploit more traditional Gnosticism as well. Ever heard of Miguel Serrano?

Mr. Stratford, I am absolutely tickled that you appear to be in the minority in your alarmist position in this debate. Bro Puma aint on your side, Tim Boucher aint on your side.

Here's another example of Stratford's unfounded alarmism. This is a post of mine from months ago in the PTG, but it has since been not only put in the closed threads bin but entirely deleted. Oh boy it's a juicy one, these following quotes. For those not so familiar with Gnosticism reading this, Yaldabaoth is Jehovah/Yahweh/YHVH, the Old Testament God... (and the greys as in those aliens with balloon-shaped heads)

Rheginus: "Here's an image, when Jews and Christians and Muslims pray to (what they think is) their God, their psychic energies are siphoned off into these glowing Energon Cubes and this alien who is called Yaldabaoth sits on a throne that looks like H.R. Giger made it and he is laughing evilly, and his repulsive Grey minions laugh through their slimy mouthless faces."

Jordanstratford+ : "Here's an image: Jews cackling over the news of war because of how much money they'll make controlling the world banking and arms industries.Note how both this image and the one preceeding it are vile bigotry and propoganda, serving only the forces of division and hatred.Rheginus? Please leave. Please go away and don't come back. Your attitude is disgusting."

Oh, the Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling! Somebody Pleez think of the Children!

What a joke. Ancient Gnostic Texts Bash the Shit out of Yaldabaoth constantly and I employ a little amusing imagery of him as some evil alien etc and Mr. Stratford goes into whatever mode it is he goes into. Mr. Stratford's the One-Man Fire Brigade, desperately trying to put out the fires that don't even exist >:)

So what if what I was writing was perhaps a little too much for PTG and therefore okay doesnt really belong there. Here we have a fellow employing the "Nazi Card" every chance he gets, in a veritable Crusade. He talks of any suggestion of Archons being outside of us as relieving us of responsibility. No, Mr. Stratford, thats a tendency some may have with such a mindset.

What your mindset seeks to do is relieve us of responsibility into critical thought into regards of whether there are indeed Demons, indeed Real Archons.

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