Thursday, May 10, 2007

Quote of Sophia Sadek's thoughts on Jesus. A thoughtful individual


From another perspective, Jesus was a pagan philosopher who was shining the divine light into the Cave of the fallen Jerusalem. He bore the earmarks of the divine liberator described by Plato in the seventh book of Republic, loosing the bonds of those enslaved in darkness.

I disagree that "Christianity" adopted the aesthetic of Sol Invictus. Instead, one might say that Sol Invictus adopted the name of Christ as its solar exemplar. It's a process similar to the way that National Socialists adopted the iconography of the Uebermensch. The Romans stole the nomenclature of "Christ" and changed the original meaning. Martin Heidegger described a National Socialist project to burn the writings of Nietzsche and republish them with all of the anti-anti-Semitic stuff expunged.

As for the rejection of adopting a Greek or other "barbarian" word into the English language, it's been done before and it will be done again. But, I must say that I thought that a Chrestian was someone who was dedicated to a specific brand of toothpaste.

[Correction: Heidegger described the reissue of Nietzsche's writings. He didn't mention the book burning, which is part of general National Socialist history.]

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