Friday, March 16, 2007

10-15% of all NDEs are Negative Ones

These people visit Godawful realms of intolerable suffering, full of evil spirits who torment them physically, emotionally, psychologically. Perhaps the only thing that saved them from languishing in such a place for God-knows how long was being revived in the Hospital.

I have had a taste of what one of my personal Hells could be like thru recurring bad dreams I have had since I stopped smoking weed every day about a year ago. Constant dreams of nearly getting to smoke some weed but missing out! Imagine that sort of Greek-suffering-in-Hades style torment for yourself, and ask yourself are your addictions, whatever they may be, are they really worth it?

The Lore, continually refreshed and confirmed and renewed by astral traveller after astral traveller reconfirms the reality of these self-imposed delusional tortuous realms where demonic beings torment us and we linger in pits of despair and drug addicted bondage for
possibly millenia. who are these beings? many of them are humans who sunk so low they may not come back, they are just rapists and torturers now, waiting for the fresh meat to come from our existence thru to the other side. Indeed, feeding on us while we are still alive, and diverting our thoughts to their purpose, luring us into Hells

Gnostic Wisdom can help you. The Demons can only harm you if you let them. In the Afterlife, nothing negative can befall you that you do not allow to occur.

To take it to an extreme (something for another post) I talked with a Taoist once who said he had thru a series of thought experiments eliminated all possible fear of death, he had even meditated on what it would be like to burn to death and have the very flesh from his face and body melt off while he observes. Even if you wake up in flames in the Afterlife, if you have prepared for anything and your mind remains lucid and calm, then nothing bad can befall you, Especially if you train yourself to focus on the Light and the Love for outside assistance.

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