Friday, March 16, 2007

Extraterrestrial Archons Hypothesis the best bet

The Root of All things Archonic comes from the Demiurgic Process. Even Atheists would admit this, as all things made, all structures have their price- we are animals and we are very vile at times. There is no need for the Creator to be like Ialdabaoth. There may be something along those lines going on from a Phildickian 'Artifact of the Urgrund' perspective in his "Cosmogony and Cosmology" (his argument is very seductive) but once again, there's no need.

No need for the Demiurge in the Gnostic sense. Demiurgic Process, however- who could argue with it? We are evil because we are machines. Our Ego is a product of evolution is constantly dogs even the best of us, often fooling us into thinking we have transcended the Ego when really we have merely been ensnared into yet another illusion. These are the Archons within us, but I believe there are other Archons as well

In Gnosticism you have the Archons that establish some brutal sort of order, and then there are the others hanging over the pit of chaos, Belias among them, who are just plain out-of-control, probably suffering as much as meting out suffering to others unfortunate enough to be trapped there. This, in many ways, is analogous with the findings of many Astral Travellers.

There are Demons, very real, who dog us in this life and the next. Who literally swarm over some of us feeding on God-knows-what though we've been given some clues by the repeated stream of information from NDErs and OBEers and it more often than not correlates very neatly with the ancient Lore on these matters.

Astral Projection Pioneer Monroe relates that one time some unknown entities stopped him in his tracks while he was out of the body and drained from him something that he decided to describe as "Loosh". That's what I think as well, there's Alien Archons that are every bit as wretched as us because they are a product of existence like us and they are feeding on us as we feed on the animals. Not very original, no. But the truth can be cliche you know.

Reptilians, Greys shit yeah. Alien Archons. John Lash is Right, Except about the Gaia Sophia stuff and the fractal stuff and the aliens as non-biological thing...thats kinda whacked! But he's right about the alien archons thing I reckon and it certainly makes for an interesting exegesis of Gnostic text.

They're draining our Loosh and putting it in fuckin Energon Cubes just like the Decepticons in Tranformers, and they taint our DNA so that we're dumber and so they water us down racially and then top themselves up with our attributes that they need, for instance to improve their physical beauty (greys especially) and possibly also so that they can experience the depth of emotions we have and even to aide in the very salvation of their astral souls!

Oh yeah, and they're turning out Third Eyes to cement with all the flouride they're putting in the water through their alien-possessed flesh-suit proxies here on Earth.

And George W. Bush is probably an Alien in disguise etc

Now, I could be wrong about all these things but if I was all these assumptions will have only aided me in my soul's ascent because its a very slimmed down set of "beliefs" (or entertained possibilities so to speak) from the expansive traditional Gnostic Mythos

very little chance of me getting ensnared in Astral Delusions from believing in such things and what is more, to anticipate the Archons, biological or otherwise, is to thwart them. One can be out of Hell in the blink of an Eye all they need to do is turn to the Light

Abduct my Body, Aliens; taint my very DNA- But my Soul Soars High Above Yours and I am no Longer Afraid :)

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