Friday, March 16, 2007

The Gist of the Astral Revelations and the Importance of Nag Hammadi

The following I posted on palmtreegarden and shall paste here and then discuss the importance of Nag Hammadi in relation to it

the spiritual concept of "consensus realms" , what Out-Of-Body Experience pioneers such as Monroe first related (he called them "belief system territories") and others after him continually reaffirmed as true. Even Deepak Chopra mentions them in his new book "Life After Death"! These delusional afterlife "realms" were discussed over a thousand years ago by the Tibetans as well. As Chopra notes, in Hinduism they are referred to as Lokas.

As I said, I believe in them, I don't Know. But I also believe that I can come to Know! Basically, the concept can be explained like this- a person who believes there is no afterlife for certain runs the risk of going into a sort of soul-coma upon death and lingering in a perceived state of unconsciousness as though under anaesthetic for possibly a very long time, and may even require outside assistance, as they are so embedded in their "one-person consensus realm" that they are unable to even turn to the Light.

Then there are the collective consensus realms which are maintained by a community of souls that have the same beliefs, but these places can fragment and eventually disappear over time as more and more souls become disillusioned with them, fallling out individually or in groups, sometimes to better "astral destinations" sometimes to worse, depending on how traumatic it was for their bubble to be burst and to realise they were hanging out with an automaton Jesus and Virgin Mary etc

Lastly, there are the Non-Delusional Realms which people freely create for themselves alone or in groups, and though they will still be coloured by their personal projected prejudices and past sufferings, in general such people and groups now know what the score is and have left what Gnosticism has sometimes called "The Middle".


Now, the Relevance of Gnosticism and the reading of the Nag Hammadi Library is pivotal- no other ancient written spiritual tradition in the world can prepare you as well for the afterlife, only modern writings could top them. The constant focus on the evils of this world and the next, and how we must battle and strive to overcome them and to conquer our fears, the constant spur to vigilance, constant vigilance!

Nag Hammadi will massage your shoulders, champ, keep you in Good shape for the "fight", all those minor ones along the way leading up to the Final (Transition). Keep in shape! Keep the fire burning bright

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