Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Archons of Palm Tree Garden Exposed!


Rheginus: "Here's an image, when Jews and Christians and Muslims pray to (what they think is) their God, their psychic energies are siphoned off into these glowing Energon Cubes and this alien who is called Yaldabaoth sits on a throne that looks like H.R. Giger made it and he is laughing evilly, and his repulsive Grey minions laugh through their slimy mouthless faces."

Jordanstratford+ : "Here's an image: Jews cackling over the news of war because of how much money they'll make controlling the world banking and arms industries.Note how both this image and the one preceeding it are vile bigotry and propoganda, serving only the forces of division and hatred.Rheginus? Please leave. Please go away and don't come back. Your attitude is disgusting."

Xander: "Sounds something ripped straight from a comic series called "Planetary". Just all the Jew and Christian hatin' isn't getting you very far, here or anywhere else. Ya dig?"

sparkwidget (moderator): "Here's an image: so-called Gnostics sitting finding excuses to hate their fellow man in a false spiritual superiority complex - drooling new age UFO-cult morons wearing foil hats and patting themselves on the back for being better than everyone else. Jobless basement-dwelling idiots stuffing cheetos in their faces, convinced of their own enlightenment.

I do *not* appreciate my close family and friends being talked about like they are Ctulu worshippers. I do not appreciate this bigoted garbage being aimed at my parishoners and friends anymore than you would appreciate it. Stop it.

Two questions to think about, Rheginus...

1) Do you understand why this sort of rhetoric is seen as bigoted and hurtful?

2) Do you really consider yourself to be so enlightened that you can paint such huge swaths of people with such ugly strokes?

Say bye-bye thread."


Now, my comments, briefly. Jordan Stratford, what a whiney biatch! meow! reyow!

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