Saturday, March 17, 2007

24 posts in 2 days...I am impressed with myself

Some Blogs were meant to be fancy, to have elegant language with every single word used by the Blogger considered and reconsidered. I, on the other hand, know some of my views are so off-putting and bewildering (though not to all ;) I do believe) that I may as well just say them, and let that be that.

I am not sure what will happen in the future with this Blog, as I have never kept one before. As I said my manner is curt and lacking refinement, and I never bother to run spellcheck before I post! Do not be surprised if I am MIA for weeks at a time, and then a sudden burst of seemingly juvenile bile erupts, spilling forth some dozen odd postings.

Unlike other "Gnostic" Blogs, I am not in Stasis. I am actively pursueing the Paranormal. This is the stated Charter of my Blog. Indeed, it has become the Charter of my Life. Do I try to record EVPs of Ghosts every day, and try to Astrally Project every night? Of course not, I am a very faulted human being and have had a past problem with substance abuse and may well have brain damage :) though that certainly hasn't stopped me from possessing paranormal faculties (seeing the future).

If and when I have any breakthroughs whether in the field of EVP recording or in Astral Projection, I will Testify: Not caring what others say about "prove it! prove it!" Those people miss the point.

One is drawn forward, Upward by the testimony of others and then one's belief/convincedness is perfected through personal experience/knowing. Not everything that is true can be proven to the masses, or at least, not by some schmo like me. THAT will take scientists- and there are more than a few working on it! Take heart!

I ramble, I go off-topic, though there is no topic to this thread. I will continue to ramble, to share and if nobody listens now, maybe they will listen in years to come. vanity? perhaps :)


Sophia said...

I feel a little better, then. I just looked and saw that I have 59 posts to my blog for the month of March alone, and it is only March 18th. :)

Anonymous said...

So what is it that you're trying to do with your site, exactly?

Matrljani said...

Basically, to encourage Neo-Gnostics and New Agers to come out of their shells and their heads in the sand and admit that they believe in a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, but at the same time to not throw their baby out with the bathwater

this is like a place for me to say all the things I ramble on about in yahoo chat and at palmtreegarden but in one place so that all my ideas interlock and make more of a cohesive whole.

palmtreegarden forum is a great place but it also has too much censorship for my liking