Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Re-Appreciation of Ancient Western Wisdom, due to the recent "Gnostic Wave"
You have your Buddha and what-not, and we shall have our Pythagoras, Pre-Socratics, Plato, Middle Plantonists, Plotinus, the Neoplatonists, and Basilides (The Gnostics in general) dare I say? Did I mention the Cathars, my Asian friend?
The Western Mind, for whatever reasons, is affected by these sorts of things. Knowledge of our own past's glories... (even if it is really only the glories of our biological ancestors. But we are it's inheritors as well - the custodians! Duty!!)
Knowledge of our past's glories makes us hold our heads up High, or at least Eye to Eye with the East, and somehow makes us more complete :)
The Gospel of Thomas a "Gateway Text" to Heresy >:)
But the Gospel of Thomas...!
The Gospel of Thomas is quite the treasure, is it not? Not only is it useful spiritually to people in a non-denominational sense, it is also a sort of proto-Gnostic "gateway" to further study of heretical scriptures!
People often speak of the contradictions in the Bible, but as a corpus of "Official Texts" it is a fine example of heresy successfully purged! Most of the lingering glimmers of non-canonical thought are easily lost in translation in the New Testament (Hence the raging debate over whether Paul himself was a Gnostic).
The Fascist Religion of Christianity Corporation (Est. 4th century AD, All Rights Reserved) has a highly rational selection of recognised scriptures in their Canon. This is why the Gospel of Thomas was excluded!
The Gospel of Thomas is illicit reading for a Christian - it's a heady touch of the intoxication, the sheer dope of reading Gnostic texts. The seemingly innocuous Gospel of Thomas is actually the ultimate "Gateway Text" to heresy!
Monday, May 21, 2007
How to kill bugs without malice, indeed with Love
I used to "Hate" cockroaches, flies, etc. Now, however, I have Spiritually Evolved enough to not take it personally, indeed, to Bless them. I still Kill them, but I do so without malice, with Agape Love.
Indeed, I can even Bless them.
I say to the cockroach that I have squished "Thankyou for existing, fellow soul, (and I do believe you have an immortal one just as I do), I Bless you for existing, as the evolutionary chain from which we all have been derived has required your existence that I may exist. May you find peace in whatever quality of afterlife it is your species is capable of attaining".
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Heresiarch, my favourite Gnostic from Palm Tree Garden - their 3rd post >:)
by the way, here's another thing they wrote before:
and here's the one other thing they wrote (where they mention "Hunger" again >:) http://www.palmtreegarden.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1289
Note: I am not saying I agree with everything Heresiarch says, only that I like them and also consider them to possess talent, indeed inspiration. Well, here's their 3rd post in the PTG forums...
Soulgazer wrote:
In my meditations over the last several years, I have had Sophia come to me with a warning that some worldly events are being manipulated with the power of dark gnosis. The word "warning" may be too strong of a word, as I have had no indication that I should even attempt to do anything about it;
Now, I usually match anything that I find in my journeys with scripture to make sure I'm not off the mark anywhere.
This, I have been unable to match up, but I have not been able to dismiss it as yet another archon; the same images appear time after time, and I can find no root in myself.
Has anybody here been having similar experiences? Does anybody have any insights as to what may be happening, either in my meditations or alternatively, on this plane?
Ah, the dark gnosis. If you have seen it Soulgazer, relish its touch. The dark gnosis is the source of LIVING POWER - it is the knowledge that I AM GOD and there is no other beside me. Aren't you a microcosm of the macrocosm? We all are. Do you KNOW that you are? Do you FEEL the divine glowing within you like a furnace? If the inner divinity of God sleeps in you, then who can be your boss? Who can tell you what you ought and ought not do? Truly any whim that confronts your mind is yours to embrace, holder of the dark gnosis. The one of dark gnosis is the begetter, creator, sustainer OF THE UNIVERSE! Not even the Archons can fight you, for your inner being birthed them in the ancient eons of time past. Embrace that inner divine, let it fill you, and you will become the instrument of God's wrath as you become the macrocosmic microspasm of GOD. To mortal men it may seem like HUBRIS, but to the Gnostick who knows the dark gnosis, it is power to command over even the 7 and the 12. Feel the dark gnosis run through your veins, feel it crawl on the surface of the earth. HUNGER for this gnosis, and consume it with RELISH!
The True Gnostick embraces the dark gnosis - it is the source of the greatest magick!
EVP-searching Night Visit to one of the alleged Haunted Spots..creepy experience
I checked out one of the places alone and at midnight a two nights ago, and man it was a creepy place.
It's an alleyway and there's supposed to be some abandoned building at the corner of the alleyway/lane and this other street. I couldnt figure out which building it was I figured, screw it I will just stand at the corner and make some recordings (one in long play, one in high quality - HQ supposedly is less successful in catching any ghostie fishies because it has less internal noise in the circuitry, which you need)
I kinda semi-aborted my little foray though because I became a bit self-conscious about people in the neighbourhood, houses, and a block of flats overlooking me...I musta looked like some guy waiting for his dealer lol
now the creepy bit - as I'm walking back down this lane/alleyway (its officially called a lane in the street directory) there's all this gang-style grafitti on the walls like "tax collectors" etc and pentagrams and some other wierd symbol that looked like a kinda pentagram with other stuff on it,and then there's this other alley that branches off from this alley at a right-angle, okay? and its a really narrow alley and it has this high gate cutting anyone off from simply walking into it. behind this narrow alley I could see only pitch-blackness but I could hear the sound of spraying *sssst* *sssst* and I could SMELL the spraypaint! :(
oh by the way - my recordings had nothing in them as far as I can tell...but they were shorter than you're supposed to make them (1.5 minutes instead of 3-5) and also I was too-self conscious to address any spirits verbally because of the locals lol
I'm definitely going back, but perhaps for the next time during the daytime, on a weekday lol...
Maybe I'll steel myself for another night voyage in a week or two. OR THREE! :)
Oh yeah, the *ssst* spraypaint can noises were definitely coming from that sub-alley, and from BEHIND the gates. what the hell would someone be doing in pitchblackness spraypainting on a wall? see my point? and I could SMELL it! *trembles*
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Some blog posts of mine have disappeared! no, this is not 1984
4 alleged Haunted places in my local area, am preparing for some EVP fieldwork..
Background of my Initiation into Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)
First, I watched the movie White Noise (Starring Michael Keaton)
I started getting into EVP once I bought my Digital Recorder (JNC USB-350) back in early December 2006 ($150 Australian Dollars). My very first recording was very very interesting...(though inconclusive, sadly) through the USB connection I analyzed it on my PC and subsequent recordings using freeware (Audacity), kindly referred to by the American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena at their website www.aaevp.com
Then due to sudden circumstances I had to move house, and couldn't have my computer delivered to my house for months because of lazy relatives, and then the speakers on my computer blew when I switched the computer on from the powerpoint. Due to general poverty and stingeyness I put my EVP adventuring on ice and concentrated on lucid dreaming (as a launch-pad for astral projection/remote viewing etc) and settling into my new town.
Finally, just the other day I bought new speakers for my computer but they wouldn't work! Had to pay a computer guy 60 bucks to fix some conflicting drivers issue (0r was it conflicting sound cards?)
WELL - Now I am up and running again! Full steam ahead!
AND I have garnered information from my local New Age Store of Four Purported Haunted Sites. I plan to visit three of them during the dead of the night on weeknights, so as to minimise tainting of the recording by other noises.
The fourth site is at a local University and so I will just have to wait till their breaks between semester etc, and investigate during the daytime, as Unis tend to have friendly guards at night who will manhandle you and perhaps hit you with their heavy torch :)
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I had my first session with a Reiki Practitioner today
The only other time I have felt this whole-body vibrational thing was the time I read some of Astral Projection Pioneer Robert Monroe's third (and final) book "Ultimate Journey" and then went to sleep, later waking up in the middle of the night feeling my entire body vibrating.
The person in question also charged a saintly price for the rather long session. They said that they felt that (to paraphrase them, from memory) "the power did not belong to them, did not come from them - so they felt it was unfair to charge very much for their services." $10 for one hour, and they were with me for easily an hour and a half.
And they Knew stuff about me. They said that they Knew that although I have a Great Heart, that it was sporadic, that (in terms of chakras, as they considered it) most of the energy was streaming forth from my throat, head etc in this force of intellect and speech. From the perspective of their beliefs (regarding the Chakras) they believed that there was this blockage in my stomach, and it came out sporadically and reach my Heart, but then not again...
This person Knew that I was someone who has the Light and Dark both in play simultaneously, even though I possessed a conscience. Nietzschean, in my words. Bwahahaha! The question is - do they believe that I am redeemable? do I believe that I am redeemable? Do I even believe that to Change from precisely what I am would be redemption?
Reiki - I'm hooked. Bring on the tingles and the vibrations! Will to Power! Cast thou physical ills out of thee, Not in the name of Jesus!
Friday, May 11, 2007
(After) Life in Every Breath
In the film "The Last Samurai", there is a poignant scene in which Katasumoto says to Algren
"...like these blossoms, we are all dying, to know life in every breathe, every cup of tea, every life we take - the way of the warrior..."
Not to ruin one of the finest moments in cinema I (personally) have ever seen, but think about this...
...like these blossoms, we are all Immortal, to know Afterlife in every breathe, every cup of tea, every Soul we return to the Other Side...
This Inspiring Dream I just had regarding the Art of Living and Dying
There’s this Old Wise Man, almost certainly of Native American/Amerindian descent, and he’s around a fire outdoors, in the night with these other I think two men, and I think they were white men (perhaps anthropologists?) and they are having a conversation and the Old Wise Man is the one talking at the time, and his mortal form suddenly expires.
Then they see this bright ball of light/light etc, and the Old Wise Man’s ghost/spirit/astral form appears there (the mortal body assumingly somewhere nearby) and he continues to speak to them as though nothing had happened, continueing his monologue without the slightest of pauses.
I intuitively knew at the time that the purport of this was not the Old Wise Man’s ignorance of the sudden demise of his mortal form, but precisely his utter attunement to the acceptance and preparedness for such things - not just in the sense of readiness to die at any moment, but a definitive Knowing of his Immortality.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Saying Ancient Gnosticism was Anti-Judaism is not Anti-Semitism
If Anti-Judaism were Anti-Semitism, then Ancient Gnosticism itself would be called Anti-Semitic, you stupid morons!
Anti-Judaism is no more a racist stance than being opposed to Islam is (which I am).
Now, really, in the modern context, who cares? Christianity and Islam are the big Daddys. I feel there's way too much sensitivity surrounding this rather no-brainer issue. Okay, the Jews have suffered terribly thru history. It's tragic. But that's modern history. We're talking about the Facts of an ancient Religion.
The Gnostic Mythos has as the central theme the corruption of the God of Abraham! He's an Abortion, described as a literal abortion! And He tries to rape Eve and stuff! Come on, people..
As I Have stated in a previous posting, Palm Tree Garden, unfortunately, as a Political Actor (an actual term in global politics) fulfills a particular role. The Sanitized version of the history of Ancient Gnosticism, and a sanitized, censored face to Modern manifestations of Gnosticism and Gnostic Types of Thought.
Look - be at least truthful enough to admit that Ancient Gnosticism was Anti-Judaism/Judaic/Jehovah/Yahweh/Yaldabaoth, even if your own modern individual "Way" may not be.
The next part has been added, 21/05/07...it is the comments to this blogpost, where Spark and I have a debate over the issue of what constitutes anti-semitism and what doesn't; somewhat of a digression from the original purpose of the blogpost, but I figured I'd just copy & paste them here rather than devote an entire new blogpost to it (even though I'm well proud that I trounced him in this little battle of ours).
I wish to make all future posts of my Blog overwhelmingly adhering to the charter of my Blog (see title of blog and description of me). Maybe I will change my mind and post it as a new Blogpost anyways >:)
NOTE: Spark's second post goes on for ages but the the real meat of the discussion comes after it. you can always skip his blathering and come back to it later. Most of his "Long Post" was in reference to the premise of the original blogpost, rather than the general argument we got into afterwards regarding what is and what isn't anti-semitism. OKAY...here it is. Enjoy :)
Hey Rheggie -"Anti-Judaism is no more a racist stance than being opposed to Islam is (which I am)."
THAT is the definition of anti-semitism. Jews and Arabs are THE defining groups of the word, and anti-Judaism/anti-Islam covers them both. Congratulations, for anyone who didn't know, you are *by definition* an anti-semite.
"Look - be at least truthful enough to admit that Ancient Gnosticism was Anti-Judaism/Judaic/Jehovah/Yahweh/Yaldabaoth, even if your own modern individual "Way" may not be."
I want to add to my above comments that I do not think you really "get" Ancient Gnosticism if you think it was "anti-Jew, anti-YHVH", and this goes for many (perhaps most) modern Gnostics today. Most Sethian texts incorporate so many elements of normative Judaism (the myths, rituals, and structures are assumed knowledge) that to say that these texts were trying to distance themselves from Judaism is unfair - the Gnostics took great pains to *incorporate* Judaism into their presupposed Platonist worldview. Reinterpretation does *not* necessarily mean distance or hostility. Also, many Sethian texts are not referring to the Jewish God at all when they say Yaldabaoth, but instead are referring specifically to the Platonic Demiurge who originates in the Timaeus. If we move away from Sethians are start examining the Valentinians, the Demiurge is an intermediary figure, a construct-by-God that functions as a teaching machine trying to accomplish ends we cannot fathom (this is consistent with PKD's view). According to the Gnostic Basilides, the Demiurge becomes conscious of itself and ascends to become a glorious Aeon (Abraxas). With so many different takes on the character, I wonder how exactly you justify generalizing Ancient Gnostics as being anti-Judaism. In fact, I can't even think of a single text that calls the Demiurge "evil" but rather that he is ignorant and misguided, the "ruthlessly mechanical" Kosmos-spewing construct that Dick describes.
Of course, my perspective was developed over time by the professional study of Gnostic texts in the original language, and many modern Gnostics believe this to be proof of my lack of authority rather than as evidence of authority. For this reason (and others) I hardly call myself a Gnostic anymore - the word is increasingly associated with things that have nothing to do with classical Gnosticism. My opinions on Gnosticism therefore are not indicative of my modern individual "way" but of historical study. I do not ask that you give up your modern "way" but perhaps you ought to acknowledge from time to time that your view of Gnosticism is your own modern interpretation and stop pretending you are speaking about actual history.
Also, I am curious - Why does maligning the PTG take up so much of your blog space? Did you check out any other Gnostic forums? You'll find that the PTG is actually the most lenient of the bunch, and does not "excommunicate heretics" but bans problem users. There are Gnostic forums, like the one I directed you to, that ban users for violating the set dogmas of the founders (usually something like "Jesus was a mushroom doing pagan" or something like that). Perhaps if you stop harping on the PTG and spend some time with other forums you will see that we're not as much of a cabal of eeeevil orthodox archons as you seem to think.
Sparkwidget, you wrote (brackets mine):
"THAT (Anti-Judaism) is the definition of anti-semitism."
NO. If that were so, then Anti-Christianity would be considered Anti-Semitism as well.
Islam is a Religion, not a race. I am opposed to Islam the Religion the same way the Federation in Star Trek is opposed to the Borg. Well, that's another whole issue... >:)
The "Official Definition" of anti-semitism is archonic, a 1984-esque form of Newspeak.
I oppose the Existence of the Modern State of Israel. As do at least some Orthodox Jews
"International Jews United Against Zionism". These guys wave placards with the Star of David in one of those big red "no" signs with the line thru it. they also carry placards reading "the answer is peaceful dismantling of the zionist state". Are These Orthodox Jews Anti-Semites?
you also wrote " I do not think you really "get" Ancient Gnosticism if you think it was "anti-Jew, anti-YHVH" "I never said anti-jew. and neither did Kenoma-ru, btw.
I will concede only one point - not all Gnostics considered the Old Testament God to be *that* bad, but not that *good* either. Fine.
They considered him ignorant. And therefore you could consider them to still be anti-Judaic because they were re-appraising the Holiness and Utter Goodness of the God of Judaism, downgrading his Holiness.
Basilides, one of my favourite Gnostics (wonder if he ever met or heard of any Buddhists or Hindus)- yes, he gives a very kind appraisal of Yaldaboath's future.Doesn't change the fact that he SUCKS. And that people who worship Yaldabaoth worship a DickHead
"NO. If that were so, then Anti-Christianity would be considered Anti-Semitism as well."
No - Anti-Judaism and Anti-Islam as a package constitute anti-semitism because all semitic groups are contained within the two. Arabs are almost exclusively Islamic.
I fail to see how dismissing these religions is not a dismissal of the people who are identified with them. So you don't hate Jews or Muslims as long as they renounce their Judaism or Islam, which defines them? I'm not sure exactly how you compartmentalize the people to be separate from their identities.
I don't even feel the need to answer this one! Are you so concerned about maintaining that "warm fuzzies" in your heart 24/7 that it has clouded your judgement in regards to no-brainer issues such as this?
I repeat- the official definition of "anti-semitism" where it encompasses an opposition to the religion of Judaism itself is an orwellian definition of anti-semitism.
I am opposed to the God of Abraham. The Idea that is the God of Abraham. The Meme. The Disease.
Even Christian Sects that believe in the Ultimate Reconciliation of all Souls still believe in the God of Abraham, and consider Him as Good. Ideas such as this are past their use-by-date. They are ideological diseases and the believers are the sufferers.
Islam is HIV and Al Qaeda us AIDS
"oh but what about Sufis?" I don't care! Blah Blah Blah
Would opposition to Stalinist Communism equal anti-Russianism?
Is there some magical amount of time that passes by where ideological diseases and the people they infect become so fused at the hip that any criticism of the disease is racism against the sufferer?
If I said I hated the disease Alzheimer's because of how it destroys the sufferer's mind would I be being racist against the sufferer?
"Oh, but heaps of Christians and Muslims chose to believe in their religions, there are converts etc"
yeah? well if I said Heroin Addiction and Crystal Meth addiction was evil would I be being prejudiced against the sufferers who initially volitionally partook of the drugs and then consequently lost their minds?
I am anti-Scientology. am I am racist against Tom Cruise?
Is anti-Hinduism anti-Indianism? (btw I am not anti-Hinduism)
see? SEE?
you cannot win this argument. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE >:)
Anti-Yahwehism/Allahism is not Anti-Semitic. I DARE you to say otherwise!
"I don't even feel the need to answer this one! Are you so concerned about maintaining that "warm fuzzies" in your heart 24/7 that it has clouded your judgement in regards to no-brainer issues such as this?"
Since I have no brain, I admit defeat, Colin. You're right. Jews, Christians, and Muslims are a disease. They ought to be as great as you. I can't argue with the LIVING MASTER I suppose.
Note: at this point Spark bows out of the argument, and I received an email from him saying as such after I had posted the rest of these comments. Overrall, I think I tore him a new A-hole in this argument :)
"Since I have no brain, I admit defeat, Colin. You're right. Jews, Christians, and Muslims are a disease. They ought to be as great as you. I can't argue with the LIVING MASTER I suppose."
NO- Judaism and Christianity and Islam are the diseases and their adherents are the sufferers. the sufferers are not the disease.
Moreover, certain "heretical" offshoots of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are at least partial cures :)
I'm not all that smart, you know - I mean the hardware of my brain that is. Math makes me cry. But I have put lots of software on my average-above average meat computer-brain, just as you have...
But then there is Inate Character. Your premium on respecting everyone's elses religious traditions means that despite being clearly learned,
I, however, revel in heaping shit on them. I don't hate anyone, I just hate ignorance, repression and Lies. I also hate weakness.
sadly, I consider you to have weakness. I dont hate you, I hate your weakness
the essence of Gnosticism is the Will to Power of the ex-followers seeking to become less weak, to emancipate themselves.
Formerly, they were slaves. Now they are the Generation without a Kingdom.
The Druze Faith did the same thing with Islam. they escaped the Matrix of the Islamic World, and venerated Akhenaten, Pythagoras, Plato along with traditional Judaic prophets, whilst simultanouesly pretending to still be Muslims. They are STILL HERE.
They shook off the Disease of Islam *applauds*
Sufism half-shakes it off
(following from my previous comment)
I should add, this is the essence of Gnosticism in the ancient context.
btw, the Druze believe in freaking reincarnation and make up a third of a population of modern Lebanon!
90% of the Druze are unintiated, 10% are initiated and 1% of the 10% are the utterly initiated. is going to devote a future post on this blog to Druze-envy)
Quote of Sophia Sadek's thoughts on Jesus. A thoughtful individual
From another perspective, Jesus was a pagan philosopher who was shining the divine light into the Cave of the fallen Jerusalem. He bore the earmarks of the divine liberator described by Plato in the seventh book of Republic, loosing the bonds of those enslaved in darkness.
I disagree that "Christianity" adopted the aesthetic of Sol Invictus. Instead, one might say that Sol Invictus adopted the name of Christ as its solar exemplar. It's a process similar to the way that National Socialists adopted the iconography of the Uebermensch. The Romans stole the nomenclature of "Christ" and changed the original meaning. Martin Heidegger described a National Socialist project to burn the writings of Nietzsche and republish them with all of the anti-anti-Semitic stuff expunged.
As for the rejection of adopting a Greek or other "barbarian" word into the English language, it's been done before and it will be done again. But, I must say that I thought that a Chrestian was someone who was dedicated to a specific brand of toothpaste.
[Correction: Heidegger described the reissue of Nietzsche's writings. He didn't mention the book burning, which is part of general National Socialist history.]
Noble kenoma_ru has been been slain by the Archons of Palm Tree Garden
here's where it began, and continued into another thread (which I am also quoting significant posts from) Do not be surprised if either of these closed threads disappear entirely in a creepily Orwellian fashion from the "closed threads" section.
kenoma_ru : "The so-called "orthodox Christianity" is a hybrid imperial cult.Mithraism + judaism + primitive paganism + a lot of genuine chrestianity (gnosticism)."
kenoma_ru: "It means that the term Christos (Messiah) is false. Jesus was Chrestos (Greek - good and holy). That's exactly what I say."
and it continues into this thread...
kenoma_ru: "Yes. His antijudaic religion has jewish roots, so what? His new religion was not a "reform of judaism". And Jesus was not Christos (Messiah), but Chrestos."
Rose: "Again Kenoma, calling Jesus antijudaic is a HUGE mistake!!Jesus WAS a Jew, ok? What is your problem with Jews? Jesus never wanted to start a new religions, he was just not so happy with the Pharisees and their literalism, or whatever it is called in English..."
thomas: "What is your obsession with pushing the anti-Jewish bit?Where did you get the idea that Gnosticism equals anti-Semitism?"
kenoma_ru: "(quoting rosa: "what is your problem with the jews?") There is no any problem."
thomas: "Then what is behind your continued attacks on Judaism?"
kenoma_ru: "(quoting thomas: "Where did you get the idea that Gnosticism equals anti-semitism?") Nowhere. Gnosticism doesn't equal anti-Semitism. It equals anti-Judaism and anti-Demiurgism."
kenoma_ru: "(quoting thomas: "then what is behind your continued attacks on Judaism?")Where do you see it? I am attacking on false hybrid religion, so-called "orthodox Christianity".Jews and Judaism? It doesn't interest me in itself."
thomas: "You are a bigot. The one common theme to almost everything you've posted here is anti-Semitism."
kenoma_ru: "It's slander."
kenoma_ru: "No, I am not a bigot. I'm fighting for truth."
scott@knowgnosis.com: "kenoma_ru- Thomas is absolutely correct. It seems obvious that whatever your beliefs are, they have little to do with Gnosticism as it is commonly understood. There are places where your line of thought might be more warmly embraced. Why not go find one?"
Space Debris: "Well, Kenoma, it's clear that you have much faith in all that. And you're free to make that choice. However, your repeated promotion of that kind of neo-Marcionite conspiracy theorist dogma is bringing you into violation of this forum's rules, which prohibit "disruptive or hateful content" and "attempts at proselytizing."Consider this a warning."
jordanstratford+ : "Given that the very theme of "Chrestians" is a fiction out of kenoma_ru's skull, I suggest we shelve this thread.And for the record, anti-Judaism IS anti-semitism, as has already been established by the last nazi halfwit to get shown the door."
scott@knowgnosis.com : "Ok, how much more of this racist bullshit will it actually take for you wise rulers of this realm to take action? Of all infractions, I believe that anti-semetism is the most detestestable scourge of gnostic communities. Please get rid of it before more people like the Sadek begin to feel comfortable reeling it ou."
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
My Polemic Against Jordan Stratford's hysterical opposition to Alien Archon Theories (drawing the Anti-Semitism card)
Quotes from Stratford:
"The "alien reptile as codeword for Jews" phenomenon is well documented, and constantly rallied around by neo-nazi groups who constitute the center mass of David Icke and John Lash followers. They posit that the Archons are space reptiles and Jehova and therefore Jews worship the reptiles through blood sacrifice and child sacrifice rings covered up by the government, etc."
Actually, Mr, Stratford, Icke says that All of these Reptilian Elites, regardless of race, engage in child abuse. Also, you Assume that Neo-Nazis constitute the centre mass of David Icke and John Lash followers. So what if a bunch of racists fill up seats in Icke's lectures in order to support him? That's their business. Icke doesn't endorse them, they endorse him. It's a big difference.
"Lash generally backs off from this by using the term "Judaeo-Christian" to mean slaves/worshippers of the alien lizards. Still, it smacks of a seventeen year old in his mom's basement: "Nazis, UFOs, Alien Lizards, Jew Bankers, Government Conspiracy, Magic Mushrooms! Awesome! Let's call it 'Buddhism'! No wait, even better... GNOSTICISM!" "
"My problem with Lash is not just his ham-fisted literalism (all this stuff happened exactly like this, there's no such thing as a metaphor etc.) and his rabid anti-semitism, but his fostering of irresponsibility"
"Giving Lash the time of day IS advocating an ant-Christian, anti-semitic and profoundly anti-Gnostic mythology."
So what, Lash's method is to assume that whatever supposedly came out of Jesus's mouth perhaps didn't. He focusses on the wisdom. Socrate's wisdom is really Socrates-Plato and Socrates-Xenophon. "Jesus's" words are the words of perhaps hundreds of people.
Lash's Gaia Sophia Mythos can only be construed as profoundly anti-gnostic Mythology if you are afraid of some kooky people creating some Enormous Fictions and then saying that it's real. So what, Lash says his Gaia Mythos is real. Maybe he even believes it himself. I reckon people can still enjoy the Gaia Sophia Mythos as an outsider, and no harm done. What are you so afraid of, Mr. Stratford?
Mr. Stratford, Alien Archon Theories are diverse, there are all sorts of variations on the Mythos (or is it all Mythos ;) maybe some of it is true, eh?) every bit as diverse as Gnosticism itself.
I am a fan of Icke and Lash, but these guys certainly don't have a patent on Alien Archon Theories, if you bothered to search the web more thoroughly.
I do consider Lash to be ultra-literalist with his Sophia in the middle of our Galaxy and the whole fractal stuff and the non-biological neonate fetus Archons and what-not. And with Icke, well, maybe he's right about less than 30% of what he says who knows!
Mr. Stratford, David Icke states most emphatically that it is Caucasians who have the highest concentrations of Reptilian DNA, were you aware of this fact? And what is wrong with theorizing that some Jews in high positions of the New World Order are also Reptilians? This isn't anti-semitism, it's anti-Archonism.
To be sure, Neo-Nazi groups exploit Reptilian Archon Theories to their own ends, but they also exploit more traditional Gnosticism as well. Ever heard of Miguel Serrano?
Mr. Stratford, I am absolutely tickled that you appear to be in the minority in your alarmist position in this debate. Bro Puma aint on your side, Tim Boucher aint on your side.
Here's another example of Stratford's unfounded alarmism. This is a post of mine from months ago in the PTG, but it has since been not only put in the closed threads bin but entirely deleted. Oh boy it's a juicy one, these following quotes. For those not so familiar with Gnosticism reading this, Yaldabaoth is Jehovah/Yahweh/YHVH, the Old Testament God... (and the greys as in those aliens with balloon-shaped heads)
Rheginus: "Here's an image, when Jews and Christians and Muslims pray to (what they think is) their God, their psychic energies are siphoned off into these glowing Energon Cubes and this alien who is called Yaldabaoth sits on a throne that looks like H.R. Giger made it and he is laughing evilly, and his repulsive Grey minions laugh through their slimy mouthless faces."
Jordanstratford+ : "Here's an image: Jews cackling over the news of war because of how much money they'll make controlling the world banking and arms industries.Note how both this image and the one preceeding it are vile bigotry and propoganda, serving only the forces of division and hatred.Rheginus? Please leave. Please go away and don't come back. Your attitude is disgusting."
Oh, the Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling! Somebody Pleez think of the Children!What a joke. Ancient Gnostic Texts Bash the Shit out of Yaldabaoth constantly and I employ a little amusing imagery of him as some evil alien etc and Mr. Stratford goes into whatever mode it is he goes into. Mr. Stratford's the One-Man Fire Brigade, desperately trying to put out the fires that don't even exist >:)
So what if what I was writing was perhaps a little too much for PTG and therefore okay doesnt really belong there. Here we have a fellow employing the "Nazi Card" every chance he gets, in a veritable Crusade. He talks of any suggestion of Archons being outside of us as relieving us of responsibility. No, Mr. Stratford, thats a tendency some may have with such a mindset.
What your mindset seeks to do is relieve us of responsibility into critical thought into regards of whether there are indeed Demons, indeed Real Archons.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
The Second Salvation (the lesser of the two)
"Those who say that the Lord died first and (then) rose up are in error, for he rose up first and (then) died." from The Gospel of Philip
Very well, (hypothetically if you/I/we attain it) thru Knowing/Gnosis of the Eternity of our Consciousness, Individual selves we gain much. We have Risen our Perception. But what about now also Rising our Bodies and Minds?
The lesser, though nonetheless Second Salvation - Discipline and Evolution and Ordering thru an intuitive sense of Beauty.
The lesser of the two, granted - but necessary if the Soul is to stand the sight of it's own self, that being defined by it's habits and pre-occupations of the body and mind that lead to grossness and self-loathing.
The Second Salvation - Good to attain while embodied.
Reasons to stick around in mortal form, even after (hypothetically) attaining 100% Knowing of Immortality
In no particular order...
Sex (don't assume it's as good or the same in the afterlife)
Food (don't assume it's as good in the afterlife)
Drugs (don't assume it's as good in the afterlife)
Good Books (don't assume it's the same as reading down here)
Good TV shows and Movies (Need I say more?)
Good Computer Games (Do you really think you'll be able to play them in the afterlife?)
Humour (There is much laughter to be had down here)
Fighting the Matrix (In all the small ways and the large, in all the direct ways and the more oblique)
Drive to Self-Perfection (The Second Salvation Knowing of Afterlife being the first)
Anthropological/Sociological interest (to Watch - Watch them, Watch them all!)
Helping Loved Ones (Gently guiding them to more (After) Life Affirming thinking)
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Taking Scientific Research of the Paranormal into One's Own Hands! Power to the People!
In my case, precognitive dreams. I Know that Human Beings can see the future, because I DO. Precognitive Dreams are a very special gift to our species, because with enough of them occuring to you, you come to Knowing of the Reality of the Phenomena. To be sure, many people have what they thought were precog dreams and weren't, but come on - this is the tiny window of attack that humbugs who worship before the Altar of Susan Blackmore and the like utilise as their only tenuous means of debunking the Reality of the Phenomena that is Precognition.
Let's say five people, motorists, total strangers - were suddenly stopped in the middle of the road by a Flying Saucer landing infront of them and then these little grey fellows with balloon-shaped heads come out and say hello. Now, those five individuals DID NOT experience some collective group hallucination, that is just freaking bollocks!
The average schmo can become an amateur paranormal investigator, indeed, a seeker of Knowing, and on the meagerest of resources.
The Two Weapons in your Arsenal, Intrepid Travellers, are Astral Projection and E.V.P
You Have Two Hands, and you have Two Weapons - Feel the Power!
Anyone on the entire planet can afford to attempt astral projection/remote viewing and lucid dreaming experiments with the goal of SEEING what they SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SEE! Doesn't matter if you're a starving person in Africa living on 1 dollar a day. We all need to sleep, right? Every time you go to sleep is another chance to prove to yourself that your Consciousness Extends beyond your current wretched mortal body
As for E.V.P. www.aaevp.com (recording ghosts on audio and even on your tv screen among other things!) You got several options. You can go "old school" and use a tape recorder (don't use microcasettes, read somewhere it's not as good as big cassettes), but then you will need to provide some sort of constant background noise such as a fan or a running tap. This is the Lore on these things, it's how it's supposed to work. Don't use a "white noise generating program" on a PC because the sound of your PC defeats the purpose. If you, however, buy yourself an Actual White Noise Generator, well then your in the Big Leagues now.
The Weapon of Choice, however, for the serious EVP investigator is to buy yourself a Digital Audio Recorder. They aren't all that expensive. I'm in Australia and I bought a JNC USB-350 and it cost me $150 dollars. The important thing is to make sure they have that port which allows you to connect the device to your PC for further sound analysis. you can download a free program Audacity from the www.aaevp.com website.
The Neat thing about Digital Audio recorders is they provide their own background noise from the internal circuitry, and it is actually good to buy a cheaper, older model as they have the most internal noise, but that isnt to say that you can't record EVPs with flashier newer models or in high quality mode on your cheapo recorder, from what I've read you can record fantastic evps with the more expensive recorders, its just a little more difficult and takes longer to get results, kinda like fishing and nothing will bite for quite some time.
I have had inconclusive results with my own EVP recording attempts so far. I recorded on two seperate occassions these 3-odd minute recordings where there was this identical wierd noise but I think it was just my stomach gurgling :) I spose the trick is to place the recorder a little further away from yourself! I even bothered to play one in reverse and it sounded like "kalp me" (help me). WELL - back to the drawing board!
Early days yet for me - here fishy fishy...
Friday, May 4, 2007
from Corpus Hermeticum VII (Alan Jacob's abridged translation)
Dear fellows, where are you
rushing to like drunkards, tipsy
and staggering on the rich wine of reason,
forgetful of God?
You cannot stomach it;
already you're about to vomit!
Halt! Sober up!
Elevate yourself by mental power.
Maybe not all of you can do that,
but some of you can!
For the degeneration that flows
from forgetfulness is drowning the earth,
infecting soul and body,
veiling the soul like a cloak
and stopping you from abiding in the heart.
So don't be swept away
by this mad flood!
Find the way into your heart!
Look for a good teacher to show you the path
to the gates of rememberance.
Where there's a Light,
radiant and bright,
free from darkness.
Where nobody is drunk,
but keeps their mental eye on that Great Being
who wills to be known in their heart.
That Great Being cannot
be seen or heard, or spoken
or thought about,
only by a higher subtle
intellect that transcends
normal matters of the mind.
But first strip off
the soiled cloak you wear,
the foul mantle of forgetfulness,
the base of wickedness,
the link with evil,
the black pit,
the spiritual death,
the walking corpse,
the moving coffin,
the domestic rogue who
feeds on guile, which he relishes,
and conspires to cause your downfall.
Such is the habit;
the filthy coat you've put on,
that is your foe!
It suffocates you and drags you
down to it's cruel self, into the gutter.
Otherwise, through aspiration
and seeing the beauty of Truth
and the Good that dwells in you,
you will come to despise
this vile enemy who plots to destroy you.
It ruins the mind and pollutes
the senses by muddying them
with gross materialism,
filling them with disgusting
lust for inane pleasure,
to prevent you from understanding
what you should understand!
And, what is worse,
it will stop you from seeing
forever what you should really see!
A Metaphorical Interpretation of the Tree of Good and Evil
One interpretation, which can co-exist with many others and even relate dynamically
The Tree is the Human Brain, which looks like a tree is you imagine a trunk underneath it. The Fruit is the fruit of evolution of the human mind, and obviously perhaps the fruit of psychopharmacological transformation.
Adam and Eve are the Left Brain and the Right Brain. The Intellect and the Emotive. The Apollinian and the Dionysian (Friedrich Nietzsche, "The Birth of Tragedy", Camille Paglia "Sexual Personae"). When Hominids ate the fruit of the Tree, when they gained real consciousness, they were no longer "immortal" like the animals, who to varying degrees had no conception of 'death'.
Yaldabaoth is the rebuke of (blind and dark) biological nature, of the Will to Power itself against the human mind, besieging it and demanding that order be returned, that blindness be acheived once more.
The trunk of the Tree is the Reptilian Brain, and the branches, the leaves- all of this is the evolving mammalian parts of the homo sapien brain.
The female principle reaches out in the spirit inside of it which is to reach out to all, to embrace, and this spirit becomes most free and aware of itself in the homo sapien female.
The Archons of the Male Principle are true to the Male Specialty-Order. Autism is called the "Male Illness" and it is not an exaggeration. The "Sin" of Eve is to be what she is, and the Male Archons seek to restore a sense of Apollonian Order. The potential for women to be (possibly dangerous) violent upwellings of the Dionysian can be seen in activities of the ancient Greek Bacchantes.
That which is most noble in our Reptile Brain, and which is most noble in our pre-mammalian ancestors (perhaps even from beyond the grave) encourages us onward. Hence, the Snake.
In this sense, there have been many Edens- stretching back millions of years
I have discovered the Joy of Retroactively Censoring my Blog >:)
I don't feel the least bit guilty, or dishonest. It's "House Cleaning". The Blog's a bit cluttered. Hey, I can even fix spelling mistakes now!
Oh yeah, also experimented changing the font, size and colours of my Nag Hammadi quotes posts to a very nice "Matix Green" :)
Modern Gnosticism as a Way, a Philosophy - Not a Religion
Modern Gnosticism is not a Religion is a Way. For instance, I am not a Gnostic. I "do" Gnosticism. Heheheh, I drop a tab of Gnostic text every now and then. I read some Gnostic texts and they give me the delightful *sparks* of insight. But Gnostic text-reading and musing and ruminating and overall enjoyment is not a religion. It's reverence for incredibly ancient texts that are still extremely applicable to our lives today, and it is mystery and wonder - what Truths lay in these texts? Point is, was Mulder's search for Truth in the X-Files a Religion for him?
Gnosticism is best enjoyed as one aspect of a much broader exploration of the Occult, of the Paranormal, of Psychological Self-Conquest/Self-Overcoming. Gnostic Outlook also can very easily be used as a way of describing the situation so many of us westerners, especially the young (I myself too at 25) find ourselves in, in this godawful world of misery and political corruption and ignorance and control and genocide.
Buddhism, as I said, is a Religion. But it's also a Way. the Gnostic Way kicks it's ass >:) There's Archons everywhere, man! There isnt Just Archons inside you like Guamata said. There's Archons OUT THERE
The Way of the Gnostic. Ah, now there is where I find my reconciliation with those who call themselves Gnostics. They aren't calling themselves the adherents of a Religion, even if they say they are. You, my Brothers and Sisters, we are practitioners of a Way. But some of us more adept and open-eyed than others. Where you see no Archon, I see one, vice versa.
The Gnostic Way
The Difference between being a Gnostic and having a Gnostic Outlook
Now, hold on a minute - I have flexibility here ; identifying one's self as Gnostic to others and actually sincerely being Gnostic are two very different things. I give a nod and a wink to all those Gnostic Clergy out there who are not actually Gnostics, they are, rather - Gnostically Minded. Thru the Official label of Gnostic as their Religion, they do a great service to the masses, by providing places of spiritual congregation for fellow Gnostically Minded individuals.
Am I Gnostic Bashing? Well, I don't think so, I'm moreso dissecting what's really happening here. The Ancient Gnostic Religions were overwhelmingly Literalist, they literally believed in the God of the Old Testament as this Evil Monster hovering above the Earth somewhere.
Now, some Modern Gnostics may point out that ancient Gnostics werent considered initiated until they had produced their own Enormous Fictions - well, that was some Gnostic Sects perhaps, and in any case don't you think a lot of these Gnostic Mythos scribblers were on some sort of drug at the time anyway, and therefore just like the Oracles of Archaic Hellenic times, their visions would have been accorded some sort of Divine Authority? Look at the Book of Revelation in the New Testament - most probably created by some shroomed out fellow, and then accorded Divine Authority.
Where I am going with all of this is as follows - the Ancient Gnostics were for the most part Literalists, and more often than not stuck within their own beliefs of their own particular sects (Sethian or otherwise). The Nag Hammadi Corpus was hidden most probably by Pachomian Monks who considered it would have been an awful waste for these wonderful texts to be destroyed by the authorities of Alexandria. The wide selection of texts found all together gives a false impression to many a modern admirer of Gnosticism of some general syncretic, wishy-washy Unitarian Universalist, Rainbow Alliance "oh we dont really believe in all this stuff" view of the Gnostics, in general.
How can a Religion exists that does not Believe in things? This is the point I am driving at here - 21st century people who profess to be Gnostic don't Believe in many things! That minority of Modern Gnostics would do believe in many of the ancient Gnostic beliefs are crack-pots, for the most part!
I am not a Gnostic. I have a Gnostic Outlook. I am Gnostically Minded. This being said, I am happy that there are Modern Gnostic Churches and Clergy, places for fellow Gnostically Minded individuals to congregate, to network.
In a previous post I said that anyone who calls themselves a "Gnostic" is poser. Let me correct that - some are posers. Then some are crack-pots. Then there are a large group who are struggling with the limitations of the English language to express as succintly as possible what they are. And THEN, there are the Good Shepherds, the Gnostically Minded Ones who play the important Archetype of the Heirophant, the Clergy. Gnostic Clergy, May you continue to call yourselves Gnostics, for it is a little white lie that you tell, perhaps even only to yourselves, and that little white lie does humanity inestimable Good. Namaste!
The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, International Edition -coming out May 29
I'm really excited about this - it's going to have fresh translations of all the texts, and they're even being nice enough to throw in the texts from Codex Tchacos (Gospel of Judas, Book of the Stranger), not to mention the Berlin Codex version of Gospel of Mary.
It's a Hardcover book, as well. That's neat if you have a pre-existing softcover like me, because it means that you can now treat it with somewhat less than the 100% reverence you previously did :) An example of this is my Penguin softcover version of Plotinus' Enneads. Because I have the complete Enneads in Britannica Hardcover, I can throw my Penguin Enneads in my backpack when I travel and it gets the ol dog-ears and everything.
Pasted below is the link to the Publisher Harpercollins, concerning this new edition of the Nag Hammadi texts...(they even have a timer onscreen counting down by the second, heheheh)
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Why I Chose the Lucid Dreaming Technique for Myself, Personally
There is, however, some level of confusion as to what the exact metaphysical differences between Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection and other phenomena such as Remote Viewing are. I admit to a certain small level of assumption-itis that the paranormal realm permeates our dream state because of the many precognitive dreams I have had over the years.
The main debate is whether Lucid Dreaming is in itself a paranormal state, or whether it is merely a good facillitator of it, in other words - a way to ease thru the commonly felt stages of sepearation from the body (vibrations, sense of floating). I myself have felt these sorts of sensations before as a result of bodged-up Lucid Dreams (or perhaps not so bodged-up up). Permit me to relate a few...
On a number of occassions while lucid dreaming I would try to get out of the body in the traditional sense, but then wake up with my eyes closed (someone infact informed me this is a good way to get out of the body)- well I must say I did feel a very distinct sense of floating on a number of occassions, waking up with my eyes closed. It felt as those I was lying on the floor of an elevator. The problem with this is "what the hell do I do next?" If I open my eyes, it ends. Do I just lay there with my eyes closed feeling the floating sensation and wait for something to happen?
As I said, I am lazy by nature. I own a few astral projection books and borrow others from the Library but when I read them, with their dozens of techniques I find myself frequently saying "blah blah blah!" I'm impatient! I want it NOW! I realise this is a vice of mine that needs working on :)
Also, I strongly suspect I have psychological blockers in succeeding in the "traditional" astral projection techniques. they usually involve lying around trying to stop fidgeting and clearing ones mind, or at any rate reducing the internal dialogue to some sorta calmer more consistent pattern.
WELL- for now I am sticking with straight-up Lucid Dreaming. How long for? maybe a few more months. Hopefully I won't croak before then
This is why I try to keep my bases covered, and attempt to record E.V.P. s as well www.aaevp.com A subject for a new post
More on the Lucid Dreaming technique- If you Forget to set up your Proof Point...
The Lucid Dreaming technique I am utilising in order to Remote View/see with Astral Eyes
While blindfolded, you randomly open the book, and then even to make your you simply arent opening to the same pages as you did the last time - turn back a few pages backwards, forwards etc. THEN blindly feel your way Out of That Room. Its best if this whole procedure is done with the house in darkness as well, so that once you take off your blindfold theres no chance of reflective surfaces revealing whats on the randomly opened pages.
One Other Thing - In Astral Projection Lore, there is a thing that John Magnus has called "The Fight for Sight". You would be well-adviced to place the Proof Point somewhere where it is illuminated, even if this involves the costly procedure of keeping a light on in that room all night. alternately, to attempt this during the day eliminates all such problems. According to the Lore on these things, Astral Projectors have problems seeing things in darkness, but then can also have no problems at all- I suppose it has something to do with being psychologically still thinking in terms of the "system" we are used to in the mortal world here, and hence assuming that Astral Sight needs Light to see things!
Now when you go to sleep, to maximise your chances of acheiving Lucidity on any given night (if you can afford the sleep disruption), set your alarm for say 6 hours after you go to bed. That way if you havent acheived lucidity by then, you can awaken most probably in the middle of a dream and then go back to sleep with the resumption of your dream as the memory-jogger that you are only dreaming! :)
Remember- Always set up the Proof Point before bed, because if you become Lucid that night you will then have nothing concrete to verify that consciousness extends beyond the body! I speak from experience- the number of times I have been Lucid and remembered I forgot to set up the Proof Point have irritated me so profoundly I now set it up every single freaking night!
One problem I find in Lucid Dreams is the tendency to try to get to (real) places by flying to them. Heh- don't count on it! Someone gave me some useful advice recently - imagine a door, or find a door, and then open it with the intention of it being your House!
I am a novice to all this and I have only had some rather inconclusive results with my previous randomly picked Tarot cards Proof Point. I moved on because the experiment was far too flawed. Hence my switch to a massive freaking boring kinda book with lots of pictures that I hardly ever even open.
That being said, everything I have outlined here are not my own ideas, they are the Wisdom of the S/Ages, the Lorekeepers of Astral Travel. Godspeed!